Opportunities-Obstacles Profile
Facilitate Change
Deal with Uncertainty
Understand Risk Profiles

The Opportunities-Obstacles (QO2TM) Profile determines the balance of effort people put into seeing the opportunities or obstacles at work and reveals how individuals are likely to approach risk. It can be used to assist in understanding individual behaviour and striking a balance between team members who may be overly cautious in pursuing new ventures and those who are prone to making hasty decisions.
The Opportunities – Obstacles Quotient (QO2™) Profile is a unique tool that determines the balance of effort people put into seeing opportunities and obstacles and therefore how they are likely to approach risk.
The QO2™ Profile provides personalised feedback on how an individual responds to new situations and change, solve problems, focus on goals and, how they view time.
The Risk-Orientation model is the basis of the QO2™ concept. This model provides individuals and leaders with an appreciation of people’s approach to risk and how this will affect the way they innovate and cope with change. The Profile tells you why some people:
Struggle with making decisions
Are threatened by change and others energised by it
Only focus on the future or won’t let go of the past
Can see many solutions to a problem and others only one
Assume the best and others assume the worst
Are goal oriented and others aren’t
Answering these questions allows leaders to effectively market and manage change programs, cultural transformations and downsizing processes, among other projects.
The QO2™ allows leaders to improve decision making, problem solving and goal clarification and thus ultimately, their competitive advantage.
Leadership and Management Development
Change Management
Performance and Conflict Management
Innovation/Creativity Workshops
Executive Coaching