What is the Team Management Profile?
The Team Management Profile (TMP) is a research-proven psychometric profiling tool for personal, team and leadership development and offers a framework to build high performing organisations.
The TMP is all about learning, not assessment. Focusing on work preferences as well as individual differences makes it easy to connect individual development to operational realities in the workplace.
The Profile can be used across organisations to improve performance and achieve better business outcomes. It provides a common language and framework for your people to recognise their strengths and enable positive, lasting change.

The Value of the TMP
The TMP has been designed specifically for use in the workplace. It takes into account situational leadership theory, which demonstrates that people are different at work than they are at home or in other situations. The TMP is not a general label of personality, but a detailed, work-focused feedback tool.
The Profile is underpinned by two different models– a model of work and a model of people. This allows us to look at the work context in total – not just the people side and not just the process side, but both.
The result is a holistic description of an individual’s preferred approach to work. It concretely explores who we are and what we like to do – not the general construct of personality. From there you can very easily link the learning back to a concrete training and development Action Plan.
Making a difference at work
Key to organisational success and high performance lies the ability for people to work effectively together. This only occurs when individuals understand their unique contribution and use these insights to implement change.
The TMP offers individuals self-awareness and strategies to improve their performance at work. As both a personal development tool or team perspective, the TMP provides personalised advice to harness potential.
At on organisational level, leaders can gain an understanding of the strengths and gaps of their teams, and uncover:
What tasks do our people prefer to do – are we working to our strengths? What are our gaps?
How effective is our teamwork? – do we understand how to work together and utilise our strengths? Do we collaborate and link between teams?
What are our potential gaps – how can we allocate tasks to maximise team strengths? Do we delegate or share work effectively to reduce our risk?
The TMP is suitable for use with almost every business challenge, including:
Team Building
Leadership Development
Management Development
Conflict Resolution
Graduate Programmes
Coaching and
Career Planning.
Developing E.I.
The TMP increases self-awareness and sheds light on why we naturally get along with some people and why others frustrate us. With this understanding, individuals can build stronger effective relationships at work to enhance collaboration, prevent conflict and achieve higher performance